This paper describes a recording and playback system developed using a da Vinci\nStandard Surgical System and research kit. The system records stereo laparoscopic videos, robot\narm joint angles, and surgeonâ??console interactions in a synchronized manner. A user can then,\non-demand and at adjustable speeds, watch stereo videos and feel recorded movements on the hand\ncontrollers of entire procedures or sub procedures. Currently, there is no reported comprehensive\nability to capture expert surgeon movements and insights and reproduce them on hardware\ndirectly. This system has important applications in several areas: (1) training of surgeons, (2)\ncollection of learning data for the development of advanced control algorithms and intelligent\nautonomous behaviors, and (3) use as a â??black boxâ? for retrospective error analysis. We show a\nprototype of such an immersive system on a clinically-relevant platform along with its recording\nand playback fidelity. Lastly, we convey possible research avenues to create better systems for\ntraining and assisting robotic surgeons.